What is Hashish?
Usually called hash for short, hashish is a psychotropic drug closely related to marijuana due to the fact that they are both extracted from the cannabis plant. Many people wind up addicted to hashish, which necessitates hashish drug rehab to successfully recover.
Marijuana takes the form of dried and crumbled leaves and flowers from the cannabis plant. In contrast, hashish originates as resin collected from the cannabis plant that is then compressed into sticks or balls. Unlike weed, hashish is typically a hard, dry substance that is brown in color. Sometimes, it may appear as an oily, nearly black block. Regardless of its form, hashish is a clear and present danger to those who fall under its spell. The need for hashish drug rehab treatment has not disappeared in recent years, nor is it likely to in the future.
The psychotropic ingredient in both weed and hashish is THC (tetrahydrocannabinol). However, THC is concentrated in hashish, which means that smaller amounts are required to achieve the same effects as weed.
Another form of hashish is hash oil, which is generally sold in small bottles ranging in color from dark brown to amber. Hash oil is usually consumed by smoking, ingestion, or vaporization. Smoking or vaporizing hash oil is known by the slang term “dabbing.” The vaporization process means using vaporizers that are very similar to electronic cigarettes. Hash oils generally contain very high concentrations of THC. In the 1970s, THC content in hashish oil was about 10% to 30%. Today, THC content in hash oil is often as high as 90%. Given the greater strength of hash oil, the need for hashish drug rehab is stronger than ever.
Compared to other drugs, hashish use in the US is actually not terribly widespread. In other places in the world, hashish use is significantly higher, which has created a need for hashish drug rehab worldwide. In Canada in 2011, for example, police captured 43 metric tons of hashish intended for sale in Halifax, Nova Scotia and Montreal, Quebec. Europe also consumes considerably more hashish than Americans, as does Asia and North Africa. In fact, the majority of hashish available in the world comes from Morocco in North Africa.
However, regardless of how much or how little hashish is taken in the US, addiction can get serious and hashish drug rehab treatment is the most effective way to a successful recovery.
How Hashish is Used
If a loved one is using hashish, how can you tell? What are the signs? What do you look out for? When people smoke hashish, dark brown powder or a gummy resin may be left behind, perhaps near pipes or other drug paraphernalia. Some people may mix hashish into tobacco cigarettes. In that situation, you may find rolling papers and tiny unsmoked ends of hand-rolled cigarettes.
Smoking isn’t the only way people use hashish. It can be eaten after being combined with the ingredients of baked goods like brownies. However, many users consider smoking hashish the optimal way to achieve the high they’re looking for. When you see such physical signs of hashish use, it’s time to consider hashish drug rehab before addiction begins to ruin the life of your loved one.
Behaviors Associated With Hashish Use
Similar in most respects to marijuana, hashish gives a mellow, relaxed feeling for its users. But a relaxed feeling isn’t the only thing in store for people abuse hashish. Look for the following symptoms in people using hashish. They signal the need for hashish drug rehab treatment. These symptoms include:
Reduced coordination
Loss of inhibitions
Short-term memory loss
Impaired judgment
Perceptions of time & space become distorted
Difficulty driving due to impairment of senses
Reduced comprehension
Inability to learn
Can’t concentrate or finish tasks
Can’t listen well or think clearly
Indifferent attitude
Less interest in previously enjoyed hobbies and interests
Lowered motivation
Slow speech
While none of these symptoms are life-threatening, they all point to the urgency of hashish drug rehab. Why? Because nearly all of these symptoms would be high on the list of reasons not to hire someone for a position, or to fire them from an existing job. Being employable is obviously of major importance and if hashish is destroying that, it’s an incredibly serious problem. When all of someone’s hopes and dreams are slowly disappearing in favor of a dreamy high, he or she is headed toward enormous personal problems and a financial crisis. The need for hashish drug rehab treatment couldn’t be any clearer.
Watching a loved one’s life fall apart due to hashish addiction is heartbreaking. Once promising high school or college athletes suddenly wind up not playing anymore. People on the dean’s list are now barely passing their classes. Their reliable friends are disappearing because they hang out with their “drug” friends now. These are all the result of hashish addiction. Hashish drug rehab treatment can reverse all of these situations. To make that happen, you just have to take the first step.
More About the Effects of Hashish Use
With the increasing incidence of legalized medical marijuana in certain states, cannabis is looked at more than ever as relatively harmless. In fact, drugs are seldom harmless when abused. Many of the side effects of hashish abuse are extremely detrimental to a normal, productive life and necessitate hashish drug rehab treatment. In particular, the following symptoms can keep people from being able to work, maintain relationships or raise a family:
Space and time distortions: When you lose the ability to perceive how much time has passed or how fast you’re driving, you put yourself in danger. It’s worth noting that the most common drug discovered in drivers’ bodies after fatal car crashes is cannabis, often in combination with alcohol or other drugs.
The inability to correctly process what’s happening around you will destroy users’ abilities to play sports at the same level that they did before using hashish. There can be nothing sadder than a high school athlete on track for a athletic scholarship or a bright student deserving of an academic scholarship undone by using hashish. A person’s entire future can be affected by what happens during this important time in life. Hashish drug rehab may be the only thing that halts your loved one’s downward spiral.
An indifferent attitude toward life: Many hashish smokers develop this tendency. Hobbies and activities that once meant a great deal to users now take a backseat to procuring and using hashish. All of the things that inspired and motivated users fall away until the only thing they really care about passionately is getting high. Aspirations like going to college may disappear. Getting a better job or keeping the one they have no longer matters a great deal. When these things are happening, it’s time for hashish drug rehab treatment.
Reduced cognitive abilities: When individuals can no longer understand what they read or hear, they can’t learn anything or solve problems. Whether in school or at work, these conditions will significantly hinder anyone’s ability to do well. There’s only one real solution: hashish drug rehab.
Getting Hashish Drug Rehab Treatment
The toll that hashish takes on users can be devastating to careers, personal relationships, finances and, of course, their own health. Hashish is very addictive psychologically, as is weed. Users depend on how the drug makes them feel. They prefer a drowsy, dreamy high to dealing with real life. It provides an easy escape from all of the things that users don’t want to deal with. A big advantage of hashish drug rehab is that during treatment, these issues will be explored so that users can understand drugs offer only temporary escape—and at a great cost.
In some ways, drug rehab is a hard dose of reality. At first, it can be difficult, but it’s entirely necessary to break the physical and/or psychological chains of addiction.
What Are the Effects of Hashish Use on Pregnant Mothers?
Sadly, pregnant women with a serious addiction to hashish stand a higher-than-normal chance of delivering stillborn babies or miscarrying early on. Many infants of such mothers die soon after birth, although doctors don’t know exactly why.
When THC, the psychotropic ingredient in cannabis, has been given to animals in medical tests, malformed brains, spinal cords, liver and legs are frequently reported. There is some research that suggests cannabis use by the parents may cause birth defects of the infant’s feet or hands. In addition, babies of cannabis-using parents tend to be born underweight. There could be no better rationale for seeking hashish drug rehab treatment than simply considering such terrible consequences.
What Are the Side Effects of Hashish Use?
There’s a reason hashish drug rehab becomes necessary when you consider the following side effects of hashish use:
Reduced coordination
Impaired learning
Fluctuating emotions
A feeling of great insight when the opposite is true
Psychotic episodes
Lung damage
As with weed, hashish users can experience anxiety or panic attacks. Their movements will likely be sluggish and they may be confused if they have taken large quantities. If you’re wondering whether a loved one needs hashish drug rehab, be on the lookout for things like bloodshot eyes and pronounced dry mouth.
Heavy users of hashish are prone to feelings of paranoia and hallucinations. With long-term use comes dependence, a feeling users get that they can’t function without hashish. When such heavy use leads to negative consequences and users still won’t stop using, they are clearly addicted. Without question, addiction is best handled by a professional hashish drug rehab center.
Dependence is the first step toward addiction, and the first indication that hashish drug rehab may be necessary. If you require increasing amounts of hashish to get the same high, if you experience withdrawal symptoms when you try to quit, it’s a virtual certainty that you’re dependent. The withdrawal symptoms of hashish include:
Reduced appetite
Increased irritability
Hyperactive behavior
Disturbed sleep
Stomach problems and pain
Consuming too much hashish at a time brings about a number of unfortunate conditions, including:
A general inability to move
A sedated demeanor
If you experience any of the above symptoms, it’s time to seriously consider hashish drug rehab treatment to insure your safe return to sobriety.
The Importance of Hashish Drug Rehab Treatment
Cannabis products such as hashish are addictive drugs. For some users, taking hashish initiates a journey toward other harder drugs, many of which are considerably more dangerous and life-threatening. What starts with hashish use could end with prescription painkillers, cocaine or heroin use. Before your life takes such a tragic turn, it’s best to seek hashish drug rehab treatment and return yourself to a drug-free condition.
Hashish Detox: Where Recovery Begins
Before hashish drug rehab can happen, detox must occur. The detox process involves flushing the body of drug toxins. It isn’t an easy process. Withdrawal symptoms include the following:
Mood changes
Vivid dreams
Digestive issues
These extremely unpleasant withdrawal symptoms drive many people back to using if they’re trying to detox on their own. Professional detox is often far more effective. Due to the fact that hashish can be stored in the body’s fatty tissue making it more difficult to detox, some detox facilities may employ a program of sauna detox to help rid the body of toxins. In combination of nutritional supplement and exercise, sauna detox can help many people get through hashish detox easier. As a result, they’re in better physical condition when they start hashish drug rehab treatment.
The Effectiveness of Hashish Drug Rehab Treatment
Recovery doesn’t end when you’re clean. To stay clean over the long term, you’ll need hashish drug rehab treatment. In rehab, you’ll be able to gain a better understanding of how you fell into addiction and you’ll learn effective coping techniques to keep you sober once you leave treatment. During hashish drug rehab treatment, you’ll gain from evidence-based therapies, such as:
One-on-one counseling
Group counseling
Cognitive behavioral therapy
Self-help groups
Get Control of Your Life Again
Addiction doesn’t have to control you or a loved one any longer. Hashish drug rehab treatment can put you on the road to recovery for life. There’s no sense in delaying any longer… you need help. Remember that a better life is waiting for you.